The GPNA Newsletter
The GPNA newsletter is an eight page quarterly publication that is distributed to the homes and businesses between NE Broadway and NE Knott and from NE 26th to NEĀ 47th, with some overlap around the outside edges. Usually that means it will come out around the last week of March, June, September and December. Due to the pandemic the summer and winter editions of the GPNA newsletter were not published in 2020.
Letters to the Editor/Article Submissions
Letters to the Editor and Articles Grant Park Neighborhood Association (GPNA) welcomes letters to the editor and original articles for publication from those residing or working within neighborhood boundaries. Letters concerning prior published articles must be submitted within 30 days of newsletter distribution. Letters or articles that include profanity, libelous statements, personal attacks against individuals or specific organizations, or that are unreasonably long, will be rejected. Articles should be original or with attribution stated, and should address topics of local interest. Letters and articles submitted anonymously will be evaluated on a case by case basis for publication, but the editor must be able to verify the identity of the writer to ensure authenticity. Letters or articles that support or oppose individual candidates for public office cannot be published, but those concerning ballot measures will be considered. All submissions must be in Word or other text-based format, no PDFs.
How to Advertise in the GPNA Newsletter
Ad Rates
The ads need to be print ready about three weeks before the issue is delivered. There is a per-issue standard rate, which is due upon receipt of an invoice with an attached copy of the issue in which the ad has run, and a per-year 10% discounted rate, which would be paid in advance. A copy of each issue will still be sent to the advertiser.
For copy information contact Stacey Tipp at
Business card 2″H x 3.5/3.625″W |
$64 per issue $232 per year |
Quarter page 4.5″H x 3.5/3.625″W |
$108 per issue $388 per year |
Half page (horizontal) 4.5″H x 7.5″W |
$172 per issue $622 per year |
Half page (vertical) 9.5″H x 3.5/3.625″W |
$172 per issue $622 per year |
Full page 9.5″H x 7.5″W |
$302 per issue $1088 per year |